Antenatal Support and Classes
Our aim to make the transition to parenthood smooth supporting parents-to-be on every step of their journey.
Our ethos is to empower parents and offer tools not rules! Whatever your birth plan, or parenting preferences we are able to offer group, private or bespoke services to meet your needs.
All antenatal and baby classes are currently only available privately working with individual parents-to-be.
This is due to other commitments. If you would like to book please email to enquire about availability.

The Courses
Innate Antenatal Course
With lots of experience in the birthing room and talking to expectant parents this course aims to cover 'everything you need to know' and some extra things you didn't know you needed to know!
Taught over 4 weeks of evenings, in a comfy setting within a small group (who you will hopefully come to call friends).
(Suitable from 30 weeks) This course is for the birthing mother and partner(s)
Your sessions will cover:
The last days of pregnancy and early hours of labour
The labour process-what to expect, how you might feel, where you might be.
The Birth environment-the pros and cons of different spaces and how to make it yours
Practical birthing tips and the role of the birth partner
Natural and medical forms of pain relief and your options surrounding them (massage, rebozo techniques for comfort)
Possible interventions and your choices
Keep calm and breathe...
Birth planning
Feeding and the microbiome
Bonding with your baby and becoming a family-the early postnatal days and how to care for yourself and your baby
And more...
All birth preferences are supported and we always work from an evidence-based viewpoint of birth. The door and in-box are always open for the duration of your course. If something has been missed, or you'd like more details there is always the opportunity. We hope you leave the course feeling confident and with tools to help you rock your birth experience.
And if you miss us when you are finished you can join our FREE birth circles for more birthy chats and peer support.
BabyNatal practical babycare
This course sits perfectly alongside our full antenatal to cover everything you need to know from the moment baby has arrived. We'll look at all the practicalities of caring for your baby, bathing, cord care, sleep, feeding, and what to expect during the fourth trimester. No baby comes with a manual and there is so much advice thrown at new parents, this course is designed to help you navigate it all and find your own family groove.
BabyNatal classes include:
* All the practical skills you need for caring for a baby - bathing/top & tailing, dressing & nappy changing, soothing & winding, playing with baby to calming them for bedtime.
* All about those first few minutes and hours with baby - the first nappy & cord care, skin-to-skin contact, administration of Vitamin K, newborn checks/tests available etc.
* The Fourth Trimester - what it is and ways that you can help your baby adjust from the womb to the big world, through consideration of those first few hours following birth.
* Physiology of the newborn baby - helping you prepare for what they need in terms of feeding, sleeping, stimulation, etc.
* Role of dads - how dads can bond with their little ones and how they can be involved in caring. Includes the role of the dads in breastfeeding. (Our workshops are fully supported by DaddyNatal - our partner pioneering and award-winning organization)
* Postnatal recovery - how to make those first few weeks as calm and confident as possible.
* Parenting choices - we will make you aware of your choices, so will explore different choices around sleeping, around using routine or a baby-led approach, around using buggies as well as baby carriers. We will enable you to explore your choices so that the decisions you make for the care of your baby are individual to YOU.
* Safety - we will make sure you are aware of any reccomendations and guidance for keeping your baby safe.
* Making friends - a BabyNatal class is a great way to meet other parents who are also expecting a baby!
Active Birth Course (refresher)
This session is a great update for parents who have experienced birth before and would like a refresher, or to add some new tools to their kit. Or it's a perfect workshop for first-timers who feel they would like to focus on partner support and natural birthing options.
We look at the stages of labour, positions to help aid labour, partner massage and comfort measures, rebozo work and top tips for a calm and relaxed birth.
Innate Birth-Baby
Combine the Innate Antenatal course with BabyNatal practical baby care course and get a full conception-early days tool-kit. PLUS save yourself ££